Monday, December 20, 2010

The Short-Cut Challenge!

Hey there!
You're probably here because of my question on Yahoo Answers and I'm glad you came! Take a look around, check out my old entries, but remember to leave me a challenge in the comments of this blog. I look forward to the creative things I may be able to try or the new music and movies you will suggest to me. Thanks so much for participating and if you like what you see please subscribe!


Sunday, December 19, 2010

these are old school...

.. but I think they're very revealing of someone's personality.

1. Made out for more than 3 minutes? 

2. Slept in a different bed? 
-Most of the time

3. Made out in a movie theatre? 

4. made out with 2 different people in one night? 

5. Thought your cousin was hot? 
-Not in a sexual way, but yes, i have some hot-LOOKING cousins

6. Been in love? 

7. Slept on the couch? 
-Uh huh

8. Taken a shower with the opposite sex? 
-Uhm, no.

9. Gone over the speed limit? 
-Most of the time haha

10. Painted your room? 
-no! I wanna:[

11. Drove a car? 
-Most every day.

12. Danced in front of your mirror? 

13. Gotten a hickey?
-Ew, no.

14. Been dumped? 
-Hahaha, yes

15. Stole money from a friend? 
-I really don't think so.

16. Gotten in a car with people you just met? 
-Kinda sorta?

17. Been in a fist fight? 
-Ha, no but I've punched someone

18. Snuck out of your house? 
-Yep haha

19. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
-Maybe? I don't remember

20. Been arrested? 

21. Made out with a stranger? 
-hahaha... yes.

22. Left your house without telling your parents?
-A lot.

23. Had a crush on your neighbor? 
-No, I never had cool neighbors

24. Ditched school to do something more fun? 
-Well, college, but not grade school

25. Slept in a bed with a member of the same or opposite sex ?

26. Seen someone/something die? 

27. Been on a plane?
-Yah, but only once:[

28. Kissed a picture?
-Uhm.. can't say I have.

29. Slept in until 3? 

30. Love someone or miss someone right now?
-So much.

31. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
-Sure have.

32. Made a snow angel?
-Oh yeah.

33. Played dress up?
-When I was little.

34. Cheated while playing a game?
-Haha, probably but idr.

35. Been lonely? 
-as in, right now? yes.

36. Fallen asleep at work/school?
-hahah, omg yes.

37. Been to a Sonic?
-No! Dammit.

38. Been present during an earthquake?
-Just one!

39. Touched a snake?
-a bunch.

40. Ran a red light?
-mhm. on accident.

41. Been eligible to move up a grade in school?
-Uhm, don't think so.
42. Had detention.?
-Yeah, 3 ha.

43. Been in a car? 

44. hated the way you look?
-Used to.

45. Witnessed a crime? 
-I'm not sure.

46. Been lost? 
-Omg yes!

47. Been to the opposite side of the country?
-Can't say I have.

48. Felt like dying from embarrassment? 
-Oh yeah. hahah

49. Cried yourself to sleep? 
-Once or twice.  

50. Sang karaoke? 
-Hell yeah! It was fun

51. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? 
-Oh yes lol

52. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose?

53. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? 

54. Kissed in the rain?
-I think so.

55. Sung in the shower?

56. Had a dream that you married someone?

57. played getting married?
-I would marry others but I never got married myself.

58. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? 
-Haha, that's an impossibility.
59. Ever gone to school with clothes inside out?

-Probably? I dunno.

60. Been absent from school more than 10 times in a semester?
-No way!

61. Sat on a roof top?
-Sure have.

62. Didn't take a shower for a week?
-Ha, 6 days is my record.

63. Ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?
-YES. I'm too scared to watch them with people.

64. Played chicken?

65. Been pushed into a pool?

66. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? 

67. Broken any bones?
-No! yay.

68. Been easily amused? 
-Mostly always.

69. Laugh so hard you cry? 
-ALL the time.

70. Cheated on a test? 
-Yeah, a lot.

71. Forgotten someone's name? 
-Oh yeah. haha.

72. Blacked out from drinking? 
-Once or twice, yes.

73. Played a prank on someone? 
-Heck yes.

74. Gone to a late night movie? 
-Well sure.

75. Made love?
-Yes? haha.

76. Failed a class?
-Came close.

77. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat?
-I don't think so.

78. Played an instrument?
-Acoustic guitar.
79. Cheated on a girlfriend/boyfriend? 

80. Did you celebrate the 4th of July? 
-Always. My favorite holiday.

81. Thrown strange objects? 
-Do ketchup packets count?

82. Felt like someone else? 
-Uhm? no?

83. Thought about running away? 
-Haha, mhm.

84. Ran away? 

85. Had detention and not attend it?
-Nope. that would mean ISS.

86. Made parents cry? 
-I hope not?

87. Cried over someone? 

88. Owned more than 5 sharpies?

89. Dated someone more than once? 
-Uhm, ... I don't think so.

90. Have a dog? 

91. Own an instrument? 
-unfortunately not.

92. Been in a band? 

93. Drank 25 sodas in a day? 
-I don't think so.

94. Broken a cd? 
-Yeah, like the other day haha.

95. Fell down stairs?
-Ugh, yes!

96. Been on myspace for more than 5 hours?
-When Myspace was cool

98. Have a major crush on someone right now? 
-like you wouldn't believe.

99. Have a religion? 
-Hell no.

100. Thought about what people would say at your funeral?
-Not in depth ... Now I'm probably going to.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Photography of mine.

These are some photographs I took one day. Blogger sort of ruined their quality.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Okay, I haven't been here in about 12 million years and I'm back to rant ... and apologize for the absence.

First the rant.
I just watched this movie called "Jumper," starring Hayden Christensen and Rachel Bilson. For those who don't know what it's about, basically there are teleporters and people who try to kill the teleporters. David (Hayden Christensen), found out he was a jumper when he was 15, ran away from home, started robbing banks to make his own life better, and tried to get the girl of his childhood to fall in love with him. Well, one day the best teleporter killer found David and was tracking him throughout the movie. David befriended another jumper and convinced him to help him find the girl of his childhood and rescue her from the really good jumper killer. The jumper killer was angry because he doesn't believe jumpers should have the power that they do so he feels that he has to kill them all. Also, as a side note, David's mom turns out to be a jumper killer, which is why she left him with his father at 5. Anyway, there are big fights, lots of explosions, romance, and betrayal, but there's no actual story. David manages to escape the main jumper killer by stranding him in the grand canyon and gets his childhood love to accept him as a jumper and the movie ends. NOTHING HAPPENED. There was no intricate story, no twists, or loop holes. The ending wasn't satisfying. He didn't kill the jumper killer (even though the jumper killer killed David's dad), he didn't kill his mom ... and the worst of it all, that one girl from the Twilight series was in it. I had to stare at her face for about 5 minutes. (Anyone noticed she always looks like she hasn't slept since age 6, gets stoned all day, and has just gotten out of the shower?) Ugh. I was waiting for a climax and something that would make David exert some extreme jumper action but NO. It was a great movie, a would-have-been-great storyline, neat characters, fun and involving plot, but NO. They didn't go ANYWHERE with this movie. It just ENDED. He held her had, jumped, and END. I was mad.

Anyway, I apologize for the absence. Like I've said before, I'm in college and don't have much time for my blog. :[, anyway, I needed the rant. Bye!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Road

Alright, I haven't posted in FOREVER. I realize.

I just got done watching a movie called "The Road," apparently based off a novel by Cormac McCarthy. This was definitely a post-apocaliptic movie. No food, dreary weather caused by probably the bombs, and barely any people left. The world had become divided into cannibals and non-cannibals. However, one never knew the good guys from the bad guys and it became a source of paranoia for the characters and their desperation to protect themselves.
A father and his boy trapped in this world were traveling to the coast so they could make their way south to find warmth and possibly more "good guys" as the boy would say. After his wife left him, the father took his son and they began this very hazardous and life-threatening journey. Everywhere they went, they had to look out for a group of cannibals who would eat any person - dead or alive. The two even found the house that the cannibals lived in and their "stash" of other malnourished humans in the cellar. Fortunately, with how filthy their bodies had become, the boy and his father could blend into what was left of the nature around them and eventually escaped the cannibalistic heathens.
After some time of running, they actually discover an underground pantry filled with food and blankets and liquid. They're able to take a bath and sit at a table to eat. However, with the father's paranoia growing and some suspicious noises, the couple is off again. They took all the food they could on a cart and began making their way to the coast again.
Unfortunately, the coast was just as gloomy and retched as the rest of the world. The father kept getting sicker and sicker and eventually claimed by death, leaving the boy on his own. As the child finally began his own journey down the coast he ran into a man and his wife, two kids, and even a dog. None had been eaten.
"The Road" was a fantastic thriller. Very real and probably would have caused intense heart attacks if it had been released during the Cold War. I was very much kept on the edge of my seat. Whispering at the TV and trying to plan my own strategies if I had been in that situation. I understood the dad's paranoia along with the child's want to help. That's what the world does to the older kids. The older you get the more worrisome but young ones are just innocent and try to make some good in the world. After the father passed, the little boy was quite scared for himself but luckily he found a new family who had been following him. More "good guys" looking for the other "good guys." And that's what this whole world kind of comes down to. We always pull for the good guys because what kind of inspiration is there when the bad guys take over?
This movie ended with a cliff-hanger. While we do know the boy is in good hands after his father's death, what we don't know is if they ever made it. If maybe the cannibals caught up to them or if all the "good guys" were able to get together and start anew. However, every good movie always leaves us wanting more.
"The road" ...... 9/10. I won't give it a perfect because this is not a movie I want to watch over and over again. Nothing as sad, heart-wrenching, and almost terrifying as the situations this portrayed is good in large amounts. To each his own. Not my entire cup of tea but a great cup nonetheless.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Face Wash Excursion Bust

Hey all,

Listen the face wash thing became a major bust. Just so you know, all three broke me out and I'm throwing in the towel and just letting my dermatologist handle it. Sorry! =[


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Face Wash Excursion - Week #1

So, here we are, week one of my three week face wash adventure. Hah. 

This week I tried out the L'Oreal "Go 360 Clean," deep facial cleanser type (green). If you can recall what I'm talking about it's the new one with the little "scrublet" built into the bottle? Yeah, and the woman looks all pumped using it in the commercial. Weird, but slightly legit. 

So, I used this twice a day for one whole week. First off, I  don't recommend using it twice a day. This will most likely dry out your skin. It even says it on the back but I wanted to get the full effect for this review. Alright, so it's not like horribly-cracked-and-flaky-skin dry but the edges of my mouth got it along with the creases in my nose and kind of the corners of my eyes. So ... if you're a morning person, use it then, if not use it right before bed. One or the other, not both. 
My breakouts didn't get worse, but they didn't really get too much better either. I lightly break out, and as I mentioned in my intro blog, I believe I'm allergic to the Salicylic acid because it's seemed to have caused my breakouts in every other product. L'Oreal sorta did their job here and yes, my face felt cleaner, but it didn't look any cleaner.
Now on to this "scrublet" thing going on here, isn't really that big of a deal as the cute girl in the commercial makes it out to be. My biggest problem was probably trying to find the right amount of soap to put on it to get an even wash. If I put too little, it just sorta sank into the scrublet and didn't do much for my face but if I put too much the soap just kind of ran everywhere and made rinsing a pain. 

Overall, 1. don't use this twice a day. If you're a morning person - morning; night, use it at night. 2. try your best to find the right dose of soap to put on your scrublet. There are also two other types of this 360 deal: there's an exfoliating scrub in an orange bottle and a cream cleanser in a pink bottle. If I ever want to try this again.... I'll probably go for the exfoliating scrub.

So, there we go. Week one down. First thing tomorrow I'm going to tackle the St. Ives "Naturally Clear" blemish and blackhead control. See yah then!!